Thursday, February 18, 2010

Donations Needed!

Donations Needed for:

The Women in the YWCA Transitional Housing Program: Our women are in need of the following items: Grocery Store Giftcards, Small Room Lamps, Swimming Suits, Twin Size Bedding, and Canned Food. If you are interested in donating items, email Mary Alice.

The YWCA After-School Program: The program is in need of the following items: a leaf blower, Kleenexes, Clorox Wipes, School supplies, Campbell’s Soup labels, and middle school books. If you are interested in donating items, email Mary Alice.

The YWCA Club W Health & Fitness Program: The program is seeking donations for the following items: free weights, workout equipment, and towels for the pool. If you are interested in donating items, email Mary Alice.

The YWCA Senior Network: is seeking donations for BINGO prizes. If you are interested in donating items, email Mary Alice.

Email Mary Alice Varga, Y-Teens Coordinator, at if you are interested in donating items! Remember, donations count as service hours!

Friday, February 12, 2010


Great meeting and Congrats to WEST HIGH SCHOOL for raising $100 already for formal!! :)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Ideas for Formal?!

If you have ideas for formal, list them here or come to the planning meeting THIS Friday at 6pm at the YWCA Downtown!!

Welcome Y-Teens!

Welcome to the YWCA Knoxville Y-Teens blog! Post your questions, comments, or thoughts about anything Y-Teens!